Mental Health
Individual Therapy
Mental Health Coaching
Supervision for therapists in training
What should I expect at my first appointment?
We’ll start our time together with getting a sense of how you’ve been feeling recently, what stressors you’re currently experiencing, and your goals for therapy. I’ll ask you a lot of questions at first, but then sessions will be more like a conversation. It’s totally OK to come to therapy and not know what to talk about! Its my job to help us figure that out together :)
Our time together will be 50-55 minutes, whether in person or via telehealth.
We will work together to find ways that help you process and understand your experiences, learn new strategies, and help you find more peace. Working with both cognitive (brain) and somatic (body) techniques will help you make lasting change along the way.
Becoming a mom is complicated and nuanced, so I work from a systems perspective and take all parts of you and your life into account when supporting you.
Insurances Accepted:
Blue Cross/Anthem
Aurora UMR
My office is right on the border of Wauwatosa and Elm Grove, Wisconsin.
Just down the street from Stein’s Garden and Home on Watertownplank, my office is nestled in a quiet neighborhood that is an easy drive from Milwaukee as well as Lake Country.
Pregnancy and Postpartum Therapist Serving the Milwaukee and Lake Country Areas
Types of issues I specialize in working with:
Becoming a parent is such an immense joy, and at the same time its hard to know who we are after such a colossal change.
You might be struggling with your identity postpartum if you :
Have a hard time trusting yourself
Feel lost in your role as a parent
Find yourself resenting others
Therapy can help you bring more awareness to why and how you’re struggling. With that awareness you can rebuild your sense of self and evolve into a new version of yourself in parenthood.
Whatever your story, there is no judgement here whatsoever.
While I am not a medical doctor, I have worked with many people who have for whatever reason needed or decided to terminate a pregnancy, so you won’t have to educate me about your experience.
There are so many logistical, emotional, financial, etc. layers to sort through after TMFR. I will help you make space for and understand your grief, find what helps you cope through the worst, and support you as you decide what it looks like to move forward.
Postpartum anxiety is sneaky and often goes unnoticed because moms are expected to always be thinking ahead and worrying if their family is OK.
You might be struggling with postpartum anxiety if:
You struggle with turning your mind off
You are constantly worrying about something or feel like you should be worrying about something
Random scary thoughts about bad things happening pop into your mind
You experience periods of shortness of breath and heart racing, or struggle with stomachaches not related to a medical condition
Some people who have struggled with mental health throughout their life begin therapy during pregnancy to help manage stress, anxiety or depression as their bodies change and they prepare to bring a baby home.
Other folks have read or heard from friends about how the postpartum period, often called the 4th Trimester, is harder than birth itself!
Starting to practice stress management and self-regulation skills before baby comes will help them feel second nature when things get tough.
Psychoeducation about common changes and challenges can also help you learn about warning signs and how you can get support.
Learning about local resources can help you have a list of contacts you can reach out to if need be so you don’t feel alone postpartum.
New research suggests that 61% of women who struggle with fertility experience high anxiety, and 56% experience depression.
Struggling with infertility and the process of fertility treatment can be an all-absorbing and lonely experience.
Tending to your mental health will help you navigate this wild time in your life and help better prepare you to be regulated and present for your growing family.
“I’ve gotten farther with you in 4 sessions than I have with the last 4 therapists I’ve seen”
“Before therapy - I was in a very dark place, I was supposed to be happy because I had this beautiful perfect healthy baby but I was miserable.
Therapy helped me build my self awareness. Then I could use that awareness to start to use tools and strategies.
Now I still have good and bad days but I’m much better at managing my emotions even when hormones are at play ”