Helping Pregnant and Postpartum Moms Tackle Anxiety
Courses and Workbooks
Mama Mental Health 101
There is so much information (and noise) out there about what you “should” be doing to prepare for parenthood but…..
Do you want something tailored to help you mentally and emotionally prepare for motherhood?
This course is full of research-backed, evidence information to help you build a strong mental health foundation to support you through the transition to motherhood.
For this $60 you get:
1.5 hours total of educational videos to support your mental health through the transition to motherhood, divided into 10-15 minute videos to fit into your schedule
30 page workbook with worksheets, information and reflections based on multiple evidence-based therapist that WORK
10 videos (2-10 minutes long) of guided strategies to help you build coping skills, give yourself compassion, and practice mindfulness to build up your coping skills.
Lifetime access!
Moms Who Journal
Are you interested in journaling for mental health and self-care?
Starting a habit like this as a mom can be super daunting because of the time it takes to get started and the hassle finding something that will actually be helpful.
I've created something that is accessible, tailored to you, and helps you go deeper into your self-awareness than the journaling prompts you find online.
Use these prompts organized in this workbook to process your feelings, avoid rumination, and feel better.
For $15 you get:
A 13 page Journaling Prompts Workbook with;
6 sections of journaling prompts specific to areas of struggle for moms
Bonus mental health resource pages to help you connect with your body and your thoughts
Insight Timer is a free app where you can get access to guided meditations, lessons, sound healing, and more.
Take a peek at my brief and effective guided practices!
Free Downloads
Partner Planning Exercise for bringing A(nother) Baby Home
Examining Your "Shoulds"
Different Types of Therapy Demystified
Self Check-In Guide